Client Agreements


By hiring Elka Eastly Vera, I affirm the following:

  • I will show up to calls on time and participate fully in the process.

  • I understand that I must provide at least 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule a session, or I will be charged the full price of the session.

  • I understand that sessions, subscriptions, courses, and packages are non-refundable once they are purchased.

  • I will use Elka’s copyrighted materials for my own use only; I will not distribute them to others.

  • I am responsible for my own self-care, my own decisions, my actions and for my success.

  • I understand that Elka’s sessions are not therapy, nor are they a replacement for therapy or any medical care.

  • My personal information and any identifying details from our sessions are confidential to the extent permitted by law.

  • Anonymous aspects of our sessions may be used by Elka in her publications.

Payment of any fees indicates my agreement with the above.

If you have any questions or concerns about these agreements, please call Elka at (503) 953-2034.