The name for my blog comes from my daughter, who called my journal “Medicine Book” — without ever hearing these two words paired before. She knew that writing is medicine. Good medicine. 


Medicine Book

“Mommy, put down your Medicine Book.” It’s morning and my young daughter has toddled out from our co-sleeping bedroom into my office nook where I have my legs curled up under me and I am writing in my journal. I have not taught her these words: Medicine Book. I have never used them together as a phrase. Would never have thought to...


Sourcing Power from Within

Once upon a time, I dreamed of being President of the United States. Not because I wanted to be of service, but because I wanted to be in charge. Growing up in a military family overseas, I was steeped in hierarchies of power. The higher your rank, the greater your power. President was the highest rank so that’s where I set my sights…

Gateway at Terra Flora

You Have Been Through an Initiation

The town where I live just West of Portland, Oregon got up to 118º this week. It was fierce. And while there are many places in the world that see summer temperatures this high on the regular, the Oregon rainforest is not one of them. Most homes here don’t have AC and the ones that do still struggle to meet the demands of a heatwave like this…


Flower Power

You probably already know that flower essences figure prominently in my work. While not every client resonates with or has an interest in what I call “flower medicine,” the essences nevertheless weave a matrix of invisible support in sessions and in the courses I teach…


Ask Your Angels

Flashback to 15 years ago… I had just signed the lease on the little Edwardian storefront that was to become my magical Goddess shop. It was located near the Panhandle in San Francisco, and I was living in a small town 30 miles or so away. The time it took to get into the City in the morning was brutal, so I was looking for a room to rent…


The W Word

When I was in my 20s, I was all about the W word. Witch, witch, witch. I had discovered my place in a magical world, and I went all in. There was not a closet that could hold my broomstick. I was out and proud. At work, on dates, everywhere. It even came up at a job interview once: How did you hear about this opportunity? I’m a witch, I cast a spell...


Memories of a Panhandle Priestess

Many people who came to my shop brought gorgeous loving energy. Some of the people who crossed the threshold came with deep emotional and spiritual needs. Whether they were there to buy or just browse, my customers were provisioning themselves with the beauty of the art on display and the sacred objects for sale, and with the healing medicine...


A Woman’s Spiritual Journey

I took my very first magic class over 20 years. Gosh, I guess I was 23 years old, three years out of college. My exposure to “alternative” spirituality was non-existent as a child. I was raised in a military family, was baptized Catholic, went to CCD (which I just had to Google, because I had completely forgotten what the acronym stood...


Hathor’s Milk

Goddess energy has been interwoven into the fabric of my life for more than twenty years. Over the years, I have called on Her by Her many names — during times of need and times of celebration, in times of gratitude and times of grief. And when I was ready to have a child, I called on Her, again. I petitioned Ostara, goddess of fertility...


Doubt… But Do

I’d like to share a story of faith and doubt. 10 years ago, I made a bold career move. Instead of fantasizing about how cool it would be to curate locally-created objets d'art and serve them up in a winsome retail environment full of magic and possibility — I decided to do something about it. I hired a coach. I wrote a business plan...


Gratitude and Healing

Gratitude is a universal panacea in New Age spirituality. “Be grateful,” say all manner of gurus. But inauthentic gratitude is really a lie. Smeared atop a bitter belief, aspirational gratitude is a haphazardly applied affirmation that prevents access to the psychic wound. To access the wound and to heal it require the same ingredient: space...


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